Take a stroll down Memory Lane with Gordon Cook

​Angus Federation of Men's Clubs Carpet Bowls winners in November, 1989.Pictured were, from left - Jim Arthur, Arbirlot, Hamish Smith, Monikie (winners); Jack Whitton, president; Dave Martin, Monikie; and Bill Webster, Arbirlot.​Angus Federation of Men's Clubs Carpet Bowls winners in November, 1989.Pictured were, from left - Jim Arthur, Arbirlot, Hamish Smith, Monikie (winners); Jack Whitton, president; Dave Martin, Monikie; and Bill Webster, Arbirlot.
​Angus Federation of Men's Clubs Carpet Bowls winners in November, 1989.Pictured were, from left - Jim Arthur, Arbirlot, Hamish Smith, Monikie (winners); Jack Whitton, president; Dave Martin, Monikie; and Bill Webster, Arbirlot.

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