Library's new therapy room offers tranquil space to support those living with cancer

Pictured are ​David Main, Christine Sharp, Hazel Freeman and Lesley Matthews of ANGUSalive.Pictured are ​David Main, Christine Sharp, Hazel Freeman and Lesley Matthews of ANGUSalive.
Pictured are ​David Main, Christine Sharp, Hazel Freeman and Lesley Matthews of ANGUSalive.
A new facility has been opened in Forfar Library to support those living with cancer to access a range of services in a tranquil setting in the middle of town.

Launched in conjunction between ANGUSalive and Macmillan Cancer Support, the Macmillan Green Room will provide a space for a range of non-medical clinics such as wig and prosthetic fittings along with holistic and complimentary therapies. It will also offer a meeting place for support groups.

The Green Room is the latest service to be offered by ANGUSalive and funded by Macmillan during a seven-year partnership . The charity also recently appointed Hazel Freeman as Macmillan libraries co-ordinator, who will develop the room’s use and services.

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The Therapy Room was the idea of Lesley Matthews and Christine Sharp of ANGUSalive, who realised the difference a therapy room could make to people's lives and saw potential for future development of the project.

Jean Sergeant, of Macmillan Cancer Care, said: “It’s fantastic that people who need some help and support can get that support here in the Therapy Room. I think the main benefit of this is that it's a non-clinical environment which we hope will reduce some of the anxiety that anyone on a cancer journey faces.”

The Therapy Room will rely on volunteers to provide some of the beauty and complimentary therapies offered and ANGUSalive is inviting trained professionals who are able to donate an hour or two of their time to the room and its clients.Lesley Matthews, Library Operations Lead with ANGUSalive added: “Our libraries are all about bringing the community together and the latest Macmillan project, which has stemmed from the initial project of dedicated Macmillan spaces in each of our seven libraries, enables us to do just that. We are so incredibly proud to be able to deliver the therapy room for our customers who are undergoing their own cancer journey and in need of help and support.”

Details about the Macmillan services offered in Angus libraries can be found at